Published on June 29, 2006 By tcmiller In WindowBlinds
Anyone up to it, creating a sckin like the Office 12 gui? There are two versions, blue and gray. Would be great to have some icons top-left that can do 'something'. And, I like the curved areas?
Anyone ???

Regards, TC Miller
on Jun 29, 2006
You mean Office 2007? I there is a visual style at Deviant Art that sounds right. It's called Office 2007 by Dameon.
on Jun 30, 2006
Yes, I do mean the 2007 Office. The skin by ~DameonAndMeagan comes close. Yet it is a visual style, not a WB5. And the new stuff Word, eXcel etc. use in 2007 don't show up. But, it does comes very close.
on Jun 30, 2006
You CAN import a Visual Style with Skin Studio, just in case you didn't know and it's close enough for now.
on Jun 30, 2006
I tried an import with SkinS Prof, but the result is not usable. The titlebar buttons showup terrible, PINK. The startbutton goes off by a few pixels with double height taskbar. Pitty, it does look nice. But i would also like to have some layout stuff as in Word or Excel 2007.
Anyway, regards, TCM